

The GEZKI Institute and the Centre Émile Durkheim share a long history together in the study of the Social Economy. The thematic area in which the collaboration proposal is developed is the Social and Solidarity Economy. The Social Economy comprises the set of organisations with economic activity that are governed by a series of principles that show a clear social commitment. They are, therefore, entities that show this double aspect, the economic and the social, and try to reconcile them in the activities they carry out on a daily basis in their sector of activity and corresponding territory. ‘Social’ is understood by the Social Economy on at least three levels: micro, meso and macro; in other words, the individual, the organisation and the territory/community.


University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

Aitziber Etxezarreta Etxarri

  • Associate Professor
CNRS, Sciences Po Bordeaux, Research Group CED

Xabier Itçaina

  • CNRS Researcher