Endocannabinoid control of glial energy metabolism in health and disease
The discovery of cannabinoid CB1 receptors as the primary molecular targets of psychotropic cannabinoid Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in early 1990s paved the way for the characterization of endocannabinoids as neuromodulatory lipid molecules crucially involved in a myriad of physiological functions and behaviors. Ever since, a wealth of results obtained from studies on animal models and human tissue samples have highlighted a promising therapeutic potential of CB1 receptor agonists in a variety of neurological disorders ranging from neurodegenerative conditions such as multiple sclerosis or Huntington´s disease to brain cancer. Conversely, the blockade of CB1 receptors is postulated as therapeutic strategy for obesity, cannabis abuse-related disorders and cognitive deficits associated to Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome or autism. However, up to the date, clinical success has been limited and major questions concerning (endo)cannabinoid signaling need to be satisfactorily addressed, particularly with regard to their role as modulators of brain metabolism and glial cell biology, in order to improve the bench to bedside potential of cannabinoid-based medicines.
Indeed, recent studies have brought into the limelight diverse, often unexpected functions of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in brain physiology, injury and disease, thus providing scientific basis for targeting glial cells to treat a wide range of neurological disorders. The CannaMetHD consortium will consolidate and strengthen the ongoing trans-border collaboration between 5 partner teams aimed at elucidating the mechanisms underlying CB1 receptor-mediated modulation of astroglial and oligodendroglial mitochondrial function and cellular bioenergetics in health and disease. Our project will broaden current knowledge on the molecular and cellular hallmarks of (endo)cannabinoid signaling in the central nervous system while fostering young talent, promoting top-level education at the doctoral and postdoctoral level and consolidating innovation and industrial collaborations towards a joint Aquitaine-Basque Country ecosystem
Susana MATO
- Senior Researcher - Faculty of Medicine and Nursery, Department of Neuroscience
- Research Director, INSERM U1215 NeuroCentre Magendie & University of Bordeaux, Endocannabinoids and neuroadaptation
Lineas de investigación
Astrocyte metabolism and gliotransmission: modulation by endocannabinoids and implications in myelin disorders
Astrocyte production of endocannabinoids: novel roles in brain physiology and autism-spectrum disorders.
(Endo)cannabinoid control of oligodendrocyte metabolism in health and disease.