AM4H2 project

Pr. F Girot Mata has presented the AM4H2 project proposal at the Resilience call concerning Material characterization and modelling with an emphasis on aluminum alloys and stainless steels for H2 applications, with a strong participation of EHU, UB and ENSAM.
The main objective of the AM4H2 project is the development of a multi-scale modelling and characterization methodology, for advanced metallic materials, that allows enhancing both the design/development of new materials and products, as well as the adaptation of existing materials to new extreme operating and manufacturing situations. The multi-scale modelling methodology will address the process-microstructureproperties-performance (PSPP) interaction, integrating different stages - from material to product. This methodology will be based on the integration of existing, upgraded and new models and characterization methods,in combination with a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC). In addition, to further enhance and accelerate the design/development stages, a linking and optimization platform, following the MODA & EMMO guides, will be developed to support designers in these tasks. Finally, a Material Knowledge Sharing Platform (following MODA, CHADA, EMMO) will be developed to enhance the synergies between material modelling/characterization stakeholders across Europe. The concept will be validated in three use cases related to low-carbon and clean industry applications, supporting the H2 Economy deployment.